Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Fall Frenzy

Happy Tuesday morning, everyone! Isn't Fall beautiful?! I have never appreciated the beauty of an autumn day quite as much as I have this season. In a move that is completely uncharacteristic of myself, I took a spontaneous drive through some gorgeous country with my windows down and the music playing last week. It was so nice just to forget about my school work, put away my phone, and enjoy the scenery that God has provided! Shame on me for not taking advantage of this before now! 20 years in, and I am finally taking moments to stop and look at a beautiful sunrise or to take a walk around the gorgeous changing trees. Thank you, God, for your breath-taking creation.

But along with the amazing autumn scenes, there are also gloomy days.. Windy, cold, rainy, gloomy days. Days where I don't want to get out of bed because I know that I won't get to stop moving or working until it's time for bed again. Days when I feel like I can't do anything right. Or to paraphrase Spurgeon, even days when the fires of tribulations would consume me, if not for the Lord to dampen the flames. But thankfully, we are promised that these days of trials will be cut short for God's chosen people. God chooses to look upon us with favor, and I ought to be forever grateful. As if taking all my sins and nailing them to the cross weren't enough, he continues to save me from tribulation. What a promise!

Often I am guilty of stopping right there. "Wow God, that's so awesome. Thank you for your promises!" But now, what will my reaction be? Thankfulness is definitely an appropriate response, but how will I show my thankfulness aside from just saying it? I think I am learning. Stopping to notice the amazing ways that God shows off everyday, deviating from my scheduled day to take a drive with Him, truly worshipping Him with my songs, taking advantage of the gift of prayer by interceding for loved ones, spending time in His word, sharing His Good News. For the first time, I feel like I am truly maturing. This season of my life has definitely brought circumstances that have matured me in worldly sense, I suppose. But more importantly, I have begun to really see God in ways that I never have. And I'm struggling to even put these thoughts into words, but I can say that I have grown. Thanks in part to the opportunity to experience and witness the trials of God's people and how He always delivers us in HIS way and in HIS time. Oh how deep the Father's love for us.

I've been writing this from my home away from home.. the Civil Engineering Study Lounge. When I got here, then sun was rising, and the wind was blowing. As I finish, I'm looking out these huge windows and can see the sun shining bright on the trees and the crystal clear sky above it all. What a blessing.
I hope everyone enjoys this gorgeous day that God provided. And smile a little bit, because I'm praying for you!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Come Quickly!

Long time, no blog!! I have missed my blog oh so much. It has been over a month since I've sat down to put my thoughts into words.. Not only have I been unbelievably busy, but my thoughts have been all over the place. Just when I think I know what to say, I hear or read or experience something else to consider.

My last 2 posts were about my struggle to be completely fulfilled with Christ and truly longing to be in His eternal presense. Boy, when I need direction, God surely supplies! My world, along with so many others, was completely rocked when Micayla Patterson went home to be with Jesus a few weeks ago... Of course everyone that knows Micayla is heartbroken, but more importantly we are all looking forward to the day we can see her again, and we are confident that God's perfect will is in action. This situation made it unbelievably clear that I should be so prepared and excited to be with Christ! This world is full of disapointment and heartache - Oh I long to be in heaven.

Lately, several friends have remarked on how I have been looking tired, or how I seem down or not myself.. Not only have I been physically exhausted from school, but I just allow myself to feel bad for myself. I find myself pleading the system that is my life for a break! And amidst all the late nights, early morning, and days packed full of school work and struggling to make time for my family and friends, I have completely neglected my Father, who can supply the only true relief! Yesterday morning, I had a little break down, and finally came to my senses. I put aside my studying and my working out. I sat at my desk, read my Daily Dose of Spurgeon (This man's commentary blows my mind!), and got in the Word. The passage Spurgeon wrote about was when I am weary, God lights my candle and no one can blow it out. I started journaling my prayer and asked God to set my candle on fire! And then I realized - He has probably been standing behind me this whole time, trying to get my attention, holding the match, and I haven't turned around to hold my candle out to Him! Humbling revelation. And the closing to Spurgeon's writing was, "Further on, in His own good time, I shall be where they need no candle, neither light of the sun. Hallelujah!" What a perfect reminder of how wonderful Heaven will be. When I learn to immediately rely on him instead of worrying, or getting angry and frustrated? God is ALWAYS there ready and willing to supply what I need, and instead of praying the He fulfill His promises , I need to wake up! He isn't holding out on me - I've been ignoring Him.

It has been a month of hard work, tears, and frustration, but moreover, a time of revelation from the Lord. God has done an excellent job of reminding me that this is not my home. So here I am, truly saying "Lord Jesus, come quickly!"

I don't know if any of these thoughts made the least bit of sense to any reader, but after a month of listening, thinking, reading, and praying, this is what I have come up with. I hope that you are all having a beautiful week and remembering to rejoice in Him always. Loves.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Portion Control.

Today is Thursday. An absolutely gorgeous Thursday! Let us rejoice and be glad. I hope everyone has had a wonderful week this far. Mine has been quite nice :) My classes, though great in number, seem interesting, and I'm excited about most of them! But what I'm even more excited about it what I read this morning in my daily dose of Spurgeon..

On Monday I wrote on how I have been challenged to see that Christ is more than enough for me. And I've been working hard to remind myself of that throughout the week. And because God answers prayers, He sent me a reminder! And in His perfect time. Ya know how you hear a great message or have a great quiet time or go away to an awesome conference and you come back with that message really weighing heavy on your heart? And for me.. If I don't work to continuously remind myself and work towards this new goal or way of thinking, I'm good for about 3 days. After that, I lose my focus again. Or sometimes forget it all together! So here I am, 3 days after posing this challenge to myself, and God provides a reminder :)

Speaking about the Lord's people: "God is their portion, Christ their companion, the Spirit their comforter, Earth their lodge, and Heaven their home... [His] covenant is a treasury of wealth, a granary of food, a fountain of life, a store-house of salvation, a charter of peace, and a haven of joy."

How can I not be overjoyed?! If I am truly a joint heir with Jesus, how can I not be more than satisfied? Earth truly is just my lodge. A temporal home that is so unimpressive compared to the glories of Heaven. His covenant gives me life! And not the life that I have been so attached to here, but one that will last forever!

I am so thankful for this reminder that God provided today. "I say to myself, 'The LORD is my portion; therefore I will wait for Him.'" -Lamentations 3:24
..Ya know the first time I ever heard that verse? I had broken up with my first boyfriend.. We'd been dating for almost 2 years, and I was pretty crushed.. I was too young to know about true love, but I was still heart broken. And a precious friend called me the next day and shared that verse with me. I instantly knew that I would be fine. I would move on and be even better than before. And as trivial as losing my boyfriend at 15 may seem now, the lesson I learned is still powerful!

God is my portion. Christ is my companion! And Heaven is my home :)

I am praying today that everyone will be more than satisfied with Christ. Looking towards Heaven and being eager to arrive. Everyone please have a sensational day and remember to rejoice a little!

Monday, August 23, 2010


GOOOOOD MORNING EVERYONE! The first day of school is upon us, and I am so excited! I have missed blogging and have been anxiously awaiting today so I could do my back to school post.

This summer was... different. In short, I made new friends, grew closer to existing ones, and grew apart from others. I am learning to embrace change, love, trials, and disappointment. I have cried. I have laughed. I have loved. And I have drawn closer to the Lord through it all. So! An enormous thank you to my family, sweet friends, and loved ones for all the support, prayers, and love :) And I'm unashamedly asking for more of the same this semester!!

One of the changes in my life this summer has been attending UBC with Dan and his family. I am beyond excited to get involved and meet more members of the body of Christ! Yesterday, Pastor Mike preached from 2 Corinthians 4 and 5. First, I am so thankful that I can go each week and hear him fearlessly, unashamedly, boldly, and truthfully share God's word. He is not afraid to offend with the truth of the Word. And I'd say he is often successful in that! And each week I come away challenged. Though be it uncomfortable.. it is a blessing!

At the beginning of the sermon, I was posed with a question. "Does Christ satisfy me?" Does He really, truly, honestly satisfy? Do I want Him more than anything? All the time? And I had to say no.. I spend so much time and effort thinking and planning for my future here on Earth. I am often consumed with thoughts of marriage, sex, career, finances, graduating, where I'm gonna live.. If Christ is truly enough for me, why am I spinning in circles trying to sort out a future that is so uncertain? Am I willing to fore-go marrying the person I love, or the perfect job to be taken up with Christ and be happy about it? I'm guilty of wishing that Christ would wait to return until I've accomplished things here! I'm so unsure of what Heaven will be like.. But I'm commanded:
"Fix your eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen in temporary, but what is unseen is eternal." 2 Cor. 4:18

A successful career.. A loving husband.. A new place to live.. All great things in any one's book, even if they are temporary. But I MUST be convinced that the best of all of these pale in comparison to one moment in Christ's presence.

I am challenged to retrain myself. Christ's love for me is more than enough! Everyday, I have to remind myself that Heaven, though unseen, will be more fulfilling than anything I can ever imagine. So hopefully, I can soon say with confidence, "Lord Jesus, come quickly."
Lord, forgive me for being so attached to the things of this world. You have blessed me beyond measure, and it's hard to think that someday I will trade it in to be with You. But it won't even feel like a sacrifice once I'm basking in your glory in Heaven.

Now I am ready! Ready to begin a new year in college! And with this year come a lot of big decisions. So I'm shamelessly asking for prayer and support :) There will undoubtedly be times when I'm sitting at my desk, sleep deprived, in tears, up to my eyeballs in the hardest work I've ever done.. perhaps that will prompt me to beg for Christ's quick return! Ha!
Thank you in advance for the thoughts and prayers! Sending love to my favorite freshman, Kirsten Ramay. Good luck today!! :)

I am praying that everyone has a blessed week and that we all fix our eyes on the prize!

Monday, June 7, 2010

Standing on the Promises

Hello, all! And Happy Summer! I'm halfway through my summer class (thank the Lord)! I hope that everyone is having a great summer so far. I've been a busy beaver it seems like. In the last 3 weeks, I've been to Kansas City, Joplin, and most recently, Heavener, OK! My family and I enjoyed a great time at the Bently Family Reunion in OK this past weekend. Good times!

This morning, I was reminded by a sweet friend that God's mercies are new every morning. So first, I'm gonna stop and PTL for that! Mercy is defined as leniency and compassion shown toward an offender by a person charged with administering justice. God is in the position of administering justice, and I am a vile offender. Yet every morning, His mercy is renewed. Every morning I can wake up and claim the promise of His mercies. His compassions never fail!

But sometimes, in the midst of God trying to shower me with mercy and forgiveness, I just don't want it. I cannot allow myself to accept it! If I step back and take a good, long, hard look at my life, it is beyond obvious that I am grossly undeserving. What has anyone ever done to deserve the love and forgiveness that Christ offers? Nothing. Not one single thing! Our righteousnesses are all as filthy rags, and not one of us are good.. There's a surprise, right?! So, how do I come to terms with this promise? How does one just flat out accept mercy and forgiveness that they are so undeserving of? I guess the same way you accept any gift. With a thankful heart. And this gift is so unbelievably generous, that my thankfulness must be that much greater. And along with that comes a commitment to love Him, live for Him, and serve Him.

Everyday, I am challenging myself to wake up and stand firmly on His promises. Unwavering, I will claim His mercy and forgiveness. I cannot be foolish enough to think that I can earn anything God offers. So today, I am "standing on the promises of Christ my King."

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Video Update from Matt Chandler

Costly Faith?

Hello!!! Looooong time since I've been here. I have been spending time in the word, just haven't gotten the chance to share in a while. Brief Update: Finals went better than expected. I lived in the study lounge for an entire week, but I pulled it off. Still on scholarship, so I am pleased :) I've started summer school now, and I have my first test tomorrow!! Eek!!
My sister's wedding (on May 8th) went off without a hitch. She was a beautiful bride, and they enjoyed a lovely cruise for their honeymoon.

This morning I got to go with Dan to church, and the speaker preached out of Luke 14. He explained the cost of following Christ may seem steep. People face persecution, trials, and circumstances that just don't seem worth it sometimes. But in the end, does our faith really cost us anything? Did we have to pay the price to have this great salvation? No. What we are called to give up pales in comparison to what was given for us. The speaker also showed a very powerful video from a preacher in Dallas. Matt Chandler, the head pastor The Village in Dallas, TX, found out last year that he a had brain tumor. Before his surgery, he made this video for his church family. The video should be posted above. I'm gonna leave with you that and challenge you to examine the true cost of following Christ. I was completely humbled and encouraged by this man's faith. Enjoy and God bless. Loves.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Come Boldly To The Throne

Wednesday! That's the day after Tuesday. I am rejoicing for that!! Yesterday was... busy to say the least. Got up early to do an EStat project, turned it in, studied, went to class, studied, studied, studied, took a test a 6, got done at about 8:30. 12 straight hours of nonstop school work.. But I made it out alive! And somewhat successful even :) Thanks so much to all my family and friends who continue to lift me up in their prayers. Today I was thinking about all the prayers that people have been saying for me and also talking with a dear friend about praying for someone else, and it was so evident that a lot people are struggling right now. A lot of family members, friends, and acquaintances that are strong believers are going through some tough stuff. I guess it's the time of year. The end of school, nearing the summer, everyone is wearing down a little bit. And in light of this, I wanted to spend some time praying for my fellow believers.

I just finished Ephesians, and I thought, "Hey, why not move on the Philippians?" So I did! And similarly to Ephesians, the first chapter contains a prayer that Paul writes for his friends.
"I thank my God every time I remember you. In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now, being confident of this, that He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus. It is right for me to feel this way about all of you, since I have you in my heart; for whether I am in chains or defending and confirming the gospel, all of you share in God's grace with me. God can testify how I long for all of you with the affection of Christ Jesus. And this is my prayer: that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight, so that you may be able to discern what is best and may be pure and blameless until the day of Christ, filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ--to the glory and praise of God."

I wrote out a list of family members, loved ones, friends, co-workers, and classmates. 34 people. I prayed for all of you just as Paul prayed for his loved ones. I am filled with joy when I speak of you to my Father. Your partnership in the gospel is so valuable to me, and I pray that you will continue to grow in knowledge and insight of the Lord so you can make it through the trying times. And not just survive them, but come out on the other side pure and blameless. I am confident in my request to the Lord :)
"Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace." Heb. 4:16
"In whom we have boldness and access with confidence by the faith of him." Eph. 3:12

I am so thankful for all the beautiful people God has placed in my life. And I hope that you are somewhat encouraged in knowing that I am praying for you :)
I have one final encouraging passage for everyone that concludes my thoughts.
"In this you greatly rejoice, though now for a season you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials. These have come so that your faith--of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire--may be proved genuine and result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed." 1 Peter 1:6-7


Monday, April 26, 2010

Prayers of Unbelievers..

Monday, Monday, Monday! Busy day over here. Test, giving blood in memory of Miss Hannah :), starting/finishing a project, studying for tomorrow's test, and foremost, rejoicing in the Lord always! Yesterday was a wonderful day! I spent time in the Lord's house, learned a lot! Spent time with my family and friends, and got my sister all dressed and ready for her bridal pictures! She looked stunning!

But anywho.. a question that's been on mind since yesterday is, "Does God hear and answer the prayers of unbelievers?" Or what about people are have been saved, but are far from God and living in sin? I've wandered this for awhile, and my dad rekindled my curiosity in Sunday School yesterday. If I have friends who are not believers, and I ask them to pray for something, is God going to hear their prayer? I really want that to be true! But from what I've read this morning, that doesn't seem to be the case. My dad said that the only prayer God will hear from them is one of repentance. And he's right. One of the verses I read this morning was John 9:31.

"We know that God does not listen to sinners. He listens to the godly man who does his will." Well I guess that answers my question. No! And there's more!

Isaiah 59:2 "But your iniquities have separated you from your God; your sins have hidden his face from you, so that He will not hear." In that verse, it seems that even if you are saved, but are living in sin and are far from God, He will not hear your prayers either.
Proverbs 28:9 "If anyone turns a deaf ear to the law, even his prayers are detestable."

Prayer is one of the most, if not the most, precious thing in a Christian's life. And I would be so broken if I knew that God was not hearing my prayers because of the sin in my life or because of my disbelief in who He truly is. Thankfully, there are so many more scriptures that tell us all of how God hears and answers the prayers of those who come to Him humbly and believing that God is God and that He can and will answer them according to HIS will.
James 1:6 "But when he asks, he must believe and not doubt, because he who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind."

1 John 5:14-15 "This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us. And if we know that he hears us--whatever we ask--we know that we have what we asked of him."

These are amazing promises that God gives to believers. And I wish that every person that had this confidence when coming to God. I am so blessed that I can come boldly to the throne of the Father and present Him with my requests. The Bible is full of beautiful promises to believers, but there is also one amazing promise for unbelievers.
"Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved." Romans 10: 31
"That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved." Romans 10:9
And then you are given all the promises the Bible holds--answered prayers, eternal life in Heaven, a shelter in the time of storm, joy unspeakable, and peace that passes all understanding, love unending, and so much more.

My time in the Word this morning has been inspiring. I am overjoyed that My God hears my prayers; however, I am saddened that there are people praying to the same God,and their prayers are not being heard because of the condition of their heart. I am committed to praying for my lost friends. And also for lost people I have ye to meet.
Prayer is a powerful tool and a blessing to my heart daily. It is my prayer that everyone knows that feeling today.

Cheers to another day of rejoicing in the Lord!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

In The Beginning

Thursday! The day before Friday! Which starts off my weekend! Yesss! I hope everyone had a beautiful day yesterday. Mine was lovely. Challenging, productive, a little relaxation, got to see the family, spent time with friends at church. I am rejoicing in the Lord and thanking Him for a great day. And today is another great day! Earth Day!

So I woke up this morning kind of excited! I get to go to Lacey's class and hear some music, folk music I think.., to celebrate Earth Day! And then I thought, "What scriptures can apply to Earth Day?" Initially, the obvious came to mind. "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth." Gen 1:1 I haven't visited Genesis in awhile, so I am excited to be here today. "And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters." I imagine that to be awesome-looking! God's spirit moving over the water. Did it make waves? Or maybe it didn't look like anything because it was dark haha. "And God said, Let there be light: and there was light." My God is so beyond powerful. He speaks and the Earth is formed. He speaks again and creates light! "And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness. And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day."

Ok, reviewing for myself. God created Heaven and Earth. God's spirit moved over the waters (COOL!). God spoke, and there was light! God split the dark from the light and created days and nights. I'm not sure why, but I am blown away by this right now! I have heard and read this passage a billion times, but I have never taken time to sit down, on my own, and really grasp how amazing this is. Are you getting this?? In ONE DAY (an actual day, I believe) God created the Earth that were are 'celebrating' today. Great and mighty is the Lord our God! He can do anything and everything with the words of His mouth. No wonder I am commanded not to be anxious about anything. Why should I if I have the creator of the universe beside me?

So go and rejoice in the Lord for His marvelous creation! Plant a tree, recycle a bottle, do something that glorifies God, and do it with joy. I also encourage you to revisit a passage you have heard or read many times. Look at it with fresh eyes, as if reading it for the very first time. The Word of God is full of amazing and awe-inspiring truths about our Creator. So take some time, and delight in it today. And take a little time to enjoy the gorgeous planet God has created!

Have a blessed Earth Day everyone!!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

And Again I Say Rejoice!

It's Wednesday.. of the the longest week of all time.. I'm losing steam! Only 2 more weeks of classes. I have been bombarded with school work lately and have really lost my focus. I have struggled to get out of bed, and I'm really getting stressed about getting stuff done and my GPA and this and that. And this morning, when I woke up an hour early to study for a test... A scripture came to mind. "Rejoice in the Lord ALWAYS, and again say, Rejoice!" So I thought I'd get out my B-I-B-L-E, find the verse, and check out the passage.

I whipped out my new concordance (exciting purchase!) and found it! Philippians 4:4. I better commit that one to memory, cuz I'm positive I'll need another reminder soon. As soon as I turned there, I was so excited to see the following verses too!! "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which passes all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus." What a blessing to find all of that encouragement in one passage! I guess if I were better about memorizing the "addresses" of scripture, I wouldn't be so surprised to find it there haha. But I'm glad I didn't know that this morning, or I wouldn't have felt so joyful to see it there!

I have an intense 2.5 weeks ahead of me. And I am fierce worrier! But worrying does not honor God; He is insulted when I don't trust that He can take care of everything. And I must must MUST remember to rejoice in Him always! Regardless of how busy am I or how many things I need to get done, God is still on His throne, protecting me, and supplying all my needs.

So I am challenging myself:
-Rejoice always!
-Don't be anxious about anything.
-Present my requests to God with thanksgiving.

And God will anoint with me His peace that passes all understanding. It's not hard to rejoice in that!!

I pray that everyone remembers these things throughout your day. Continue to rejoice in Him today, regardless of your crazy schedule or trying times. Please have a wonderful day :) Loves.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Retreat Update

Gooooood morning everyone! I hope everyone had a beautiful weekend despite the cold and rainy weather here...
The purity retreat was amazing! There were 31 girls there from schools all over NW Arkansas. We heard from an amazing speaker, Shun Strickland, who spoke about some keys to building intimacy with Christ. Then a Razorback baseball player and a former male cheerleader came in and spoke to us about relationships from a male perspective, what they look for in a girlfriend and about guarding your heart. This is was probably the girls' favorite part ;)
We also enjoyed some great time of worship and fellowship. Had tons of fun with a scavenger hunt and decorating T-shirts! And the girls also heard some powerful testimonies from some of the group leaders.
In a very short time, I made some great friends, and I can't wait to get to know my girls even more! At the end of the retreat, we had 8 girls accept Christ!! Wooooo Hooo!!! And 2 of those were from my group!! :) I was absolutely blessed beyond measure this weekend. Thank you so much to everyone who prayed for me and all the girls at the retreat. God did amazing things in the lives of all the girls there, and He will continue that work "until the day of Christ Jesus."

I have another prayer request for you all :) My friend Mallory Sims could use some serious prayer! In high school, she found out she has a rare kidney disease, and she's been battling ever since. She had a kidney transplant about 5 years ago, and a year later, her disease destroyed that kidney too. She is 24 now and has been on dialysis for 4 years. She is absolutely one of the most joyful people I have ever met, and she shares her testimony without hesitation. As a result, countless people have come to know Christ. So please keep Mallory in your prayers as she continues to fight for her health and as she goes on sharing Christ's love with everyone she meets.

I pray that everyone has a blessed Monday!

Friday, April 16, 2010

Give Us Clean Hands

Happy Friday to everyone!! I'm getting geared up for a fun-filled weekend with some girls at the FCA retreat :) I am leading to worship this weekend, and this morning I have been trying to find some great songs. One of my absolute favorites is "Give Us Clean Hands" by Charlie Hall. And the lyrics of this song seem like a perfect fit for our weekend!

We bow our hearts
We bend our knees
Oh Spirit come make us humble
We turn our eyes
From evil things
Oh Lord we cast down our idols

So give us clean hands
and give us pure hearts
Let us not lift our souls to another
Oh give us clean hands
and give us pure hearts
Let us not lift our souls to another

Oh God let us be
a generation that seeks
Who seeks Your face, Oh God of Jacob
Oh God let us be
a generation that seeks
Who seeks Your face, Oh God of Jacob

The chorus comes from Psalm 24, and the psalm is even more magnificent than the song. "Who may ascend the hill of the Lord? Who may stand in his holy place? He who has clean hands and a pure heart, who does not lift up his soul to an idol or swear by what is false. He will receive blessing from the Lord and vindication from God his Savior. Such is the generation of those who seek him, who seek your face, O God of Jacob."

This is prayer today, that everyone at this retreat will have clean hands and a pure heart, so we can all come into His holy presence. I know God can wash away the stain of sin, and despite any mistake we have made, there is forgiveness at the cross. We want to be a generation that seeks His beautiful face.
Please keep this weekend and all these girls in your prayers this weekend. I cannot wait to see what God is going to do!

Also, I want to send my thoughts and prayers to a family in Kansas City. In September, they found out that their 18 month old daughter, Morgan, had leukemia, and she passed away this week. CJ and Anna will continue to be in my prayers! And I hope that people reading my blog will do the same..

Have a beautiful weekend, everyone :)

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Happy Tuesday to you all! I hope everyone had an outstanding weekend and a bearable Monday :) Dan and I had a fantastic time in Memphis! A huge thank you to Stanley and Rae Millerd for letting us stay at their house! We really reallllyyy appreciated it!

This coming weekend I am mentoring at the Daughters of the King FCA retreat. It's a purity retreat for 8th-12th grade girls, and I'm trying to get geared up! I'm a little nervous, but I know that God will be there and will give me the words to say to these girls.

I have been reading "How To Stay Christian In College" and the author write in depth about sex and abstinence. Here is just a little blurb that I really enjoyed. "A big reason Christian students find abstinence difficult is that they know the rules but haven't seen the vision. You goal isn't just to avoid something bad--it's to achieve something beautiful and lovable. God calls its "purity." Mere abstinence may be dull, but the pure in heart will see God (Matt. 5:8)."

My prayer for the girls this weekend is that they "see the vision." I hope that they understand that God isn't just being mean or hateful, but is preparing their hearts for something beautiful. And I pray that they are comforted in know that the are "Daughters of the King," and right now, His love is more than enough for them. "The Lord is my portion." Also, I know that I will gain a great understanding of all this as well, and for that, I am thankful. So please please please be in prayer for this retreat! I know God is going to do great and mighty things!

Have an amazing Tuesday, everyone :)

Friday, April 9, 2010

Love and Wisdom.

Happy Friday to everyone!! Boy am I ever glad that it's Friday!! In a few hours I will be on the road! Destination: Memphis. Dan and I, and about a hundred+ others are getting outta town to go have a blast at formal for Dan's fraternity (BYX-Brothers Under Christ). Please pray that we all have safe travels and a great time :)

Before heading out of town, I was supposed to meet with my friend and go over our study of Ephesians 5. Our plans got canceled, but I'm so glad I am revisiting this passage! If anyone remembers, this is the illusive "Imitators of God" passage.

After my original post, my bestie Kayla left me a wonderful comment! "..If we love Him, we will obey His commandments, but His main commandments are love God and love other. Therefore, the question becomes am I loving God and loving others? Am I reaching out to people that the world doesn't love because God loves them? I think if we spend all our time loving God and loving others, there isn't really the time to get caught up int he sin, to get caught up in the do's and don'ts.....I think the question always has to be what are my motives? What is my passion? Then I'll know whether I am following Christ or just stuck in the rut that is the rules."
My, what wise friends I have! Thank you again, Kayla, for your help! :)

Since this comment from her, I have been trying to examine my motives. Why do I blog? Why do I go to church so often? Why do I post scriptures and songs about my faith? Am I really loving others like Christ loves us?
And I believe that I truly do these things to grow in my knowledge of the Lord, to encourage others in their faith, and to show to love is Jesus. God's Word is powerful and needs to be shared!

In addition to God's command to love, He also gives us a huge hint on how we are to live. "Be very careful, then, how you live--not as unwise, but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil." This verse was kind of like a, "duh! How did I miss this the first time?!" I've been wondering how to live, and He tells me right here in vs 15! Wisely! So I searched for scriptures that spoke about wisdom, and I was lead to Proverbs 2, 3, and 4. I encourage everyone to read these chapters. And if you have already, read them again! Solomon is telling us, by the inspiration of God, all about wisdom! What a treasure. The benefits of wisdom are unending! And that is how we are to live.

A few other verses I came across were Psalm 107:43, "Whoever is wise, let him heed these things and consider the great love of the Lord." and Proverbs 10:8, "The wise in heart will receive commandments; but a prating fool shall fall." God's word is incredible. Here are the instructions I've been looking for! Live wisely. And how to do I do that? Remember God's great love, which is His greatest command and fear Him, for this is the beginning of wisdom and knowledge.

I am growing to love and appreciate the Word of God more and more every time I open it. Thank you Lord, for your perfect, infallible, holy, God-breathed, Word. I am challenged to live a life of wisdom and love, and I now feel better equipped. Please help to remember that living this life is not about what I can do on my own, but about how you are using me, for your honor and glory, to show your love.

Have a blessed weekend everyone!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Psalm 121

I lift up my eyes to the hills-
where does my help come from?
My help comes from the Lord,
the Maker of heaven and earth.
Psalm 121:1-2

This month is gonna be a crazy one for me. Tests, projects, homework, finals, work, a wedding! I need all the help I can get. And I am so thankful that my help comes from the Lord. If He can create the heavens and the earth and raise people from the dead, He can carry me through to May 9th! "He will not let your foot slip." "The Lord watches over you-- the Lord is your shade at your right hand." "The Lord will keep you from all harm--He will watch over your life." Psalm 121 is full of amazing promises, and I will cling to each one.

Have a blessed Thursday, everyone!!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

It Is Well

When peace like a river attendeth my way,
When sorrows like sea billows roll;
Whatever my lot, Thou hast taught me to say,
"It is well, it is well with my soul."
It is well
With my soul.
It is well, it is well with my soul.

My sin, O the bliss of this glorious thought,
My sin not in part but the whole
Is nailed to the cross, and I bear it no more.
Praise the Lord, Praise the Lord O my soul.
It is well
With my soul.
It is well, it is well with my soul.

O, Lord haste the day when my faith shall by sight,
The clouds be rolled back as a scroll;
The trump shall resound, and the Lord shall descend,
"Even so" it is well with my soul.
It is well
With my soul.
It is well, it is well with my soul.

Horatio G. Spafford lost all 4 of his daughters in a ship wreck in 1873. While traveling home to be with his wife after the accident, the captain of his ship told the passengers they were passing over the place where the accident had happened. Horatio said to himself, "It is well, the will of God be done." He later wrote the famous hymn based on these words.

"Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the LORD delivers him out of them all." Psalm 34:19

Thursday, April 1, 2010

For I Am Persuaded

"For I am persuaded that neither death, nor life, not angels, not principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, not height, nor depth, nor any other creature shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord." Romans 8:38-39

Thank you, Lord, for your love. What a peaceful feeling to know that there is nothing that can separate me from it. I will not fear dying or living or today or tomorrow, for I am persuaded.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010


Good Morning! I'm in love with today. Another day to learn more about God, to spend time with Him, to spend time with others, and to go to church!

Over the past year and half probably, my view of who God is has changed drastically. When my grandmother began to get really sick and it became obvious that she wasn't going to get any better here on Earth, I really struggled with prayer. God was saying no to my petitions, so I gave up. I didn't want to talk to a God that didn't listen to me. Then, last semester, the daughter of the sweetest couple was diagnosed with Leukemia. With an army of prayer warriors behind them pleading with God to heal her, He still chose to take her home to Him.
I have also had the opportunity to share my faith to a dear friend over the coarse of the last year, and this has also brought a change to my view. While trying to explain His sovereignty and His power and His wrath and His mercy and His love, I had to really stop and I think if I truly had a grasp on those things myself.

Needless to say, all of these things and more have really rattled my cookie-cutter, Sunday school view of the Almighty. And I am thankful for this. We are supposed to grow in our faith and in our understanding of the Lord.

My Structural Materials professor said one of the wisest things I've ever heard last week. He had a brain tumor last year, and a student was asking him if it changed his outlook on life. He replied by saying he did think about his children and his more and how they would've lived without him there, but he knew that God's sovereignty would not be changed whether he lived or died. God would still be God. Wow, what an amazing example my professor with an amazing testimony and an inspiring view of God.

Last night, I started re-reading a book I had picked up at the beginning of the school year. I saw my friend reading it yesterday, and was inspired to check it out again. It's called "How to Stay Christian in College" by J. Budziszewski. In the second chapter, the author does his best to explain God with words:
"God is like nothing we could have imagined. God is utterly other than us --other in a way we express with the word holiness. Yes, He dwells within each Christian, but He's not you. He isn't the same as you, He isn't a part of you, and He isn't a "higher" you. Yes, you're made in His image, but you're not Him. You're not the same as Him, you're not a part of Him, and you aren't a "splinter" of Him--nor will you ever be. He doesn't depend on anything else because He is what everything else depends on. He can't be explained by anything else because He is what everything else is explained by Although we can know what He has taught us about Himself, we can never comprehend Hem completely because He is greater than our minds. anything He will, He can do. He not only hold supreme power but He also uses it. Nothing can defeat Him and nothing can happen contrary to His will. He is also supremely good--light with no darkness. Although evil is real, He detests it and brings it to judgment. He knows everything, He pays attention to everything, and nothing escapes His notice. He's not just a What and a Who, like me or like you, but one What and three Whos--one God in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. There is no one like Him. He is set apart. He is what He is, and there was never a time when He was not."

There's something for me to chew on for awhile! This week, I hope everyone will examine their view of God. Where did that view come from? Is it what God tells me He is in His word? Or is it just what I want Him to be?

Thank you to my sweet friend Amanda Cofer, who sent me a wonderful commentary on yesterday's passage. I pray that each of you has a beautiful day!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010


First, thank you to my dear friends who sent me your thoughts yesterday! They were very helpful and made me so thankful for the army of Godly people in my life. I hope to have even more time to study this passage along with your comments soon!

Today, I forged on to the rest of chapter 5. "Wives and Husbands." Until recent months, I have skipped over any passage like this that has to do with marriage, for a number of reasons. The obvious one, I'm not married. And also because I know what it says, and frankly I don't love it..

Verse 22 says "Wives, submit to your own husbands as to the Lord, (23) for the husband is head of the wife as also Christ is head of the church." One look at that, and I'm running the other way sometimes! My pastor preached a sermon on this not too long ago, and I leaned over to my friend Kristy and said, "I'm never getting married." We both laughed of course, but I do know that I need to be submissive to the person that God places in my life for marriage.

My pride gets in the way. I'm too selfish for love and submission sometimes. I have always had it in mind to be a very strong, independent woman that can do anything a man can do, and probably do it better! I hate the way women are portrayed in the media, so I want to do what I can to fight it and succeed in a male industry and have a little pride in myself. But is that what God wants for women? Is my goal of being a strong and successful woman wrong? Can I keep that goal and that mindset and still be a submissive wife?

So, it's obvious that I need to make some changes! Though I am not married, I hope to be in the not so distant future, and my husband deserves a wife that will submit to him. I am challenging myself to pour over the scripture and learn what God's view of a wife is. I also have some amazing examples of Godly women in my life to look to. My mom is such a wonderful example of a loving, caring, yet strong, wife and mother. Dan's mother, Lacey, is also another beautiful role model. When I walk into their living room, she often has her Bible out reading, and it makes smile. Thank you God for the wonderful examples of wives you have placed in my life.

So again, I'm asking for some help. To all of you married women, how do you do it? What makes your marriage work? I know that if I continually seek Him, God will show me and will give me the ability to become a submissive and loving wife.

Also, I want to say a huge congrats to all my recently engaged friends and to my sister, who will be getting married in May! I will be praying that God will bless your marriages and that you will strive to be the women God want you to be.

P.S. Mom, I know you need some recovery time after Allison's wedding. Don't worry! :)

Monday, March 29, 2010

Imitators of God

I have been continuing to read in Ephesians. Now I'm in chapter 5! I was actually in chapter 5 a couple of days ago, and when I sat down to write, I didn't know what to say. Verses 1-21 are intimidating. So today I thought I'd give it another shot, asking the Holy Spirit to give me wisdom and discernment. And I'm still kind of at a loss.. Here's what I got!

The first thing Paul says, by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, is, "Therefore, be imitators of God." Sounds easy enough, right! Ya know, the creator of the universe, the most perfect example of love and mercy and grace.. ?? So Paul continues on and says do this by walking in love just like the Messiah loved us and gave himself for us. Ok, so to imitate God, I must love! I think I can do that. But only with help from the Lord. I have a hard time loving people that are easy to love sometimes! So loving everyone just as Christ loves me is a task. So after we are commanded to love, Paul goes on to share some other things that make us imitators of God:

No sexual immorality, no coarse or foolish joking, don't participate in fruitless acts, walk as children of light (in goodness, righteousness, and truth), walk as wise people, make most of the time, don't be foolish but know the Lord's will, don't get drunk on wine, but be filled with the Holy Spirit, speak to one another in psalms and hymns, give thanks for everything, and submit to one another in the for fear of Christ.

Woah.. my first thoughts.. how in the world am I supposed to remember, let alone do or not do all that?! And then I think, well I can do anything with Christ's help. And I truly believe that I can. And I have to remember that I can't beat myself up over sin. I have to be truly repentant and always be thoughtful not to sin, but it is our nature, so I will be careful to give God the praise for his forgiveness!

I think my biggest hang up is this. Yesterday, Dan's preacher said that the Christian life is not a life of do's and don'ts. And I have also thought this, but here, Paul gives us a huge list of things to do and things not to do as a way to imitate God. So.. I guess I need to do some thinking here. How do you live the Christian life? In college, it often seems by not drinking or not cussing or not having sex. But I can be that person and still be no closer to Christ.

Ok, so I'm thinking that the greatest of all these commands is love. And the Bible says they will know we are Christians by our love! Mini break through! haha.
And I know that the Christian life should not be legalistic. So is the point there that all of the do's and don'ts can't save you, but if you are truly saved and are walking as children of the light, following that list will become the desire of your heart?

Today, I'm shouting out to all my friends for some help on this one. How does one truly live the Christian life? How does someone imitate God without being bound to a list of right and wrong? Or is that the only way? Hit me up with some help! Shoot me a message or a text or just leave a comment here or on my wall. Thank you in advance :)

I pray that each of you has a blessed Monday. Back to school and work after a much needed break for some, and just another day at the office for others. I love you all, and I thank God for you :)

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Sunday :)

Today is a wonderful day! I woke up! My family made it home safely from Branson, I don't have to work, and most importantly, church this morning was.. a blessing!

Since my family was out of town, I went to church with Dan and his family. I don't really know what it is about his church, but unfortunately.. it just doesn't do it for me usually. I don't know if it's the size or I'm just a stick in the mud and I only like my church, haha. But this morning's service was just great! I wish I had better adjectives to describe it!

The songs we sang were some of my absolute most favorite songs! How Deep the Father's Love For Us. The words to that song can preach! "How deep the Father's love for us. How vast beyond all measure. That He would give His only son, to make a wretch His treasure. How great the pain of searing loss. The Father's turns His face away, as wounds which mar the chosen one bring many sons to glory." Almost anyone who has watched me sing at church knows that I have a hard time standing still. I don't want to be a distraction, but I don't understand how people can sing and hear these words and not be moved! The following song was Jesus Paid it All. Lately, I have played and sung this song a lot in my quiet times. The words of this hymn convict me, make me thankful, make me wanna sing out, raise my hands, and praise God for sending His son. Music really touches my heart. Truth-filled lyrics and beautiful music.. it gets me going! I close my eyes and imagine myself sitting at the foot of the throne of God, and I am singing the words to Him. To praise Him, and thank Him, and worship Him, and love Him, and exalt Him. We were sitting down for the first 2 verses of this song, I wanted to stand up so badly, haha. Thankfully we all stood and sang the last verse. "And when before the throne, I stand in Him complete, 'Jesus died my soul to save." My lips shall still repeat." Needless to say, I was truly moved by the songs today.

And the sermon. I'm usually a little skeptical of the sermons at Dan's church.. Their pastor is an amazing speaker who doesn't shy away from difficult truths. But sometimes I feel like he doesn't make the Gospel accessible to non believers or even young believers. He is an extremely educated, inspiring, and spirit-filled man, but I guess the words he uses kinda send the message over my head. But anyway! Today, I was determined to really focus and receive the word of God. And guess what, I did!! Following Jesus Paid it All, the preacher began teaching about God's wrath from Leviticus 20. Paraphrasing his first statement, he said, "a lesser view of sin makes for a lesser view of praise because the price of grace seems cheap." God takes sin very seriously and His wrath can be very great! But that only means that God's grace is even greater! We have to understand that God detests sin, and that His wrath because of it can be huge. But is grace is all-sufficient and can cover any sin. He spoke for a long time about the punishment that God's people received for their sins from the text, and then he said this. "The wrath of God we see here was poured on the head of Christ." On the cross, Jesus truly paid it all. How deep the Father's love for us!

God's wrath is real, and it is mighty, but Christ took is upon himself for us. In this, I must be joyful! I shouldn't live a life of do's and don't's in the name of Christ, but I should live a life of joy and thankfulness. Looking back to the cross, looking forward to Heaven, and praising God all the while.

"For nothing good have I, whereby thy grace to claim. I'll wash my garments white in the blood of Calvary's lamb."

Monday, March 22, 2010

Long Time, No Blog

Hello blog. I have missed you so. My daily schedule was a stranger to me last week. I celebrated my inaugural all-nighter on Thursday night, and I finally feel like I've recovered my lost hours of sleep. I have gotten the grades for 2 of my 3 tests from last week, and thus far, I am pleased. But boy am I ever praising the Lord for Spring Break! Saturday, my aunt through a wonderful wedding shower for my sister! Lots of guests, lots of gifts, and lots of love. *precious* And this snow! Winter just can't let go! I feel bad for the poor guy.. once Christmas has come and gone, old Winter gets a bad rap.. I love you Winter! But.. I love Spring too!
Yesterday, I spent the day at home with my family, and it was lovely. We just hung around the house, watched tv, ate dinner, played games, and then I went with Dan and his family to pick up Lacey from the airport. The Lord has truly blessed me with an incredible family!

My reading this morning was from Matthew 26. Jesus is in the Garden of Gethsemane and literally falls down on his face and prays to the Father. The same Father that I have access to every minute of every day. Thank you, Lord, for prayer. C.H. Spurgeon used Christ's prayer to illustrate some vital characteristics of prayer. Two of these attributes that I really liked were lonely and humble.

Lonely and Humble. Praying on your own, in a secret and quiet place, is one of the best ways to get close to the Father. Jesus left his friends to get alone, fell on his face before his Father, and prayed an intimate prayer. He also came to the Lord humbly. If we do not acknowledge that we are nothing without God, if we don't fall on our faces before the Almighty God, then we don't give Him the opportunity to raise us up and show himself glorious.

Today in prayer, I got alone and humbled myself the best I knew how and the first words that came to mind were those of a song that my dad has led at church a few times. "I come before you today, and there's just one thing that I want to say. Thank you Lord. Thank you Lord. For all you've given to me. For all the blessings that I cannot see. Thank you Lord. Thank you Lord. With a grateful heart, with a song of praise, with an outstretched arm, I will bless your name. Thank you Lord, I just wanna thank you Lord. Thank you Lord, I just wanna thank you Lord. Thank you Lord."
Sometimes, that's all I can think to say. The Lord has absolutely blessed me more than I ever deserve, and He does it all "to the praise of the glory of His grace."

I've had some big thoughts running through my head lately. With my sister's wedding fast approaching, my own future has been on my mind. And I know that is so common for me to make big decisions, and then come to God and ask Him to bless my choice. But now I am challenging myself to come humbly before the Lord and pray that He guides me in my choice. "Yet not as I will, but as You will."

Again, thank you so much for all the prayers during this past week. They were definitely felt! I pray that you all have a beautiful week. Until next time..

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

"Under His Wings"

What a week I'm having.. Cram packed with exams, homework, projects, and the few minutes a day I squeeze in to be with friends and family. This morning I was sitting in class, preparing for our test tomorrow, with the material for today's test swirling around in my brain, and I got a wonderful text from Dan's mom. She told me she prayed for me about my tests. Then she gave me a verse for this week: "I will take refuge in the shadow of your wings until the disaster has passed."

I am so thankful that people are remembering me in their prayers and encouraging me to keep on keepin' on. It is such a blessing to hear these things, and that verse is exactly what I need for this week! I wrote the verse on the front page of my test today, and will keep writing it on all my tests until this disaster of a week has passed!

The whole verse reads, "Have mercy on me, O God, have mercy on me, for in you my soul takes refuge. I will take refuge in the shadow of your wings until the disaster has passed." Psalm 57:1
The passage this verse comes from was written by David when he had fled from Saul was staying in a cave. David describes all the things he is up against; people hotly pursueing him, lions, ravenous beasts, men with spears, arrows, and swords, and in the midst of all of this, he is stopping and taking to time to call out to God to have mercy on him. This crazy week of exams and studying and working is absolutely nothing compared to what David faced, so I know that if God can deliver David out of that cave, He will be faithful to get me through this week. And in return I must be careful to give Him the praise.

Everyone should read and meditate on Psalm 57. It is an incredible depiction of God's love and faithfulness to His children. I will read this passage every morning this week. My God is all-powerful and can deliver us from anything He chooses to.

"Under His wings, I am safely abiding,
though the night deepens and tempests are wild.
Still I can trust Him, I know He will keep me.
He has redeemed me and I am His child.

Under His wings, under His wings.
Who from His love can sever?
Under His wings, my soul shall abide,
Safely abide forever."

Monday, March 15, 2010

What time is it?!

Happy Monday!! What a wonderful weekend! I hope everyone had a relaxing time. Shout out to my dad, who did an amazing job on his first ever live guitar performance at church last night! He did a beautiful job!

I'm running a little behind this morning, so I shall keep it short and sweet. :)

I continued my reading in Ephesians today and came to a verse that I had underlined.
Eph 4:29 "Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers."

My friend Sarah told me a couple of years ago that her and some friends used to use this verse when they heard one of them gossiping or talking bad about other people. They would say, "What time is it?" And cleverly, the answer would be "4:29." I kinda thought it was silly when she told me that, but now I find myself thinking about it and being more aware of talking about people.

I love to talk, and sometimes I even love to gossip.. but I KNOW that that kinda of speech is not "good to the use of edifying" nor does it "minister grace unto the hearers." Thankfully, the last verse of the chapter says "be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you." For all the times God knew I would sin, and knew I would say a bad word, or put someone down, His son died for the forgiveness of my sins.

So please, if you hear, see, or even suspect that I'm talking rudely about someone or gossiping unkindly, remind me of the time, and I will thank you :)

Prayers! Dan's mom, Lacey, is traveling to ..Philadelphia? this week for some fancy science teacher meeting. Please pray that she have safe travels! I also pray that she might have a chance to witness to someone new :)
Also, I have 3 tests and a project due this week. The big push before spring break. TONS of prayers are needed to get me through this week! Thanks so much!! LOVES.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Cast all your cares.

Happy weekend to everyone! I am so thankful that I survived the week and that it is now SATURDAY!!

This morning I have an interview with the Freshman Engineering Program for a job as a peer mentor. As a peer mentor I would get to meet with 10-15 freshman engineering students 1-on-1 every week, and we would just talk about school, life, activities, and I would provide them with study and note-taking tips and any other amazing advice I have to offer.
I'm really excited about this opportunity! It's a great way to meet to new students and maybe even share my faith. ..not to mention I won't have to work at the mall anymore! :)

So in preparation for my interview, I've looked at some verses to help me not worry or be anxious about it. If it's God's will that I get this job, then it'll happen! And if it's God's will that I work at the mall forever, then I'll need serious prayer! haha

This is what God's word has provided me with this morning:
"Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you in due time. Casting all your care upon Him, for He careth for you." 1 Peter 5:6-7
Humble myself.. dang, that's a toughy sometimes. I always like to be the person that's right! (Just ask Dan Dan.) I wanna be in control and in charge, but that's what leads to worry. The pressure to get things done and do well is overwhelming sometimes. I MUST learn to continually cast my cares upon the Lord.

"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." Phil. 4:6-7
Here, God straight up says, "Do not worry!" Oye.. another toughy. It's so natural for me to worry. I worry all the time about so many things. But it is such an insult to God for me to worry about things. He is over all things! He is so powerful! Ephesians 1 says that the same power that God used to raise Christ from the dead is inside of us! How dare I worry about a homework assignment or a scheduling conflict when the power of the Almighty God is dwelling in me. "I can do all things through Christ who strengtheneth me."

I know there are so many other verses confirming that God is in control and will provide for me whatever it is He sees fit. I am determined to go into my interview, not worrying or anxious, but humble and confident that God cares for me.

I know I already have friends and family that pray for me often. Thank you again! Here I go, off to be viewed internally! :)

Thursday, March 11, 2010


Well Good Morning to you! I hope everyone had a marvelous Wednesday. I was fortunate enough to get to go to church last night, help make a tasty dinner for everyone, and learn a great lesson from Abraham's life. How great to know that God will keep forgiving and keep blessing even though we mess things up sometimes.

This morning I continued reading in Ephesians. I really latched on to verses 4-6.
"For there is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called to one hope at your calling; one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all, who is above all and through all and in all."

Initially, I thought this was an amazing affirmation of our faith. There is one way. One God that is above everything! There is only one kind of faith in one God that will get you to heaven.
The little heading above the text in my Bible said this passage was about unity in the body of Christ. I've learned a lot about how important that is in the past year or two. If God's people are not one body in Him, then were are counterproductive. We are not accomplishing what He has called us to do. How much greater could our influence be if were functioned as one body in Christ? There are so many people in the world that need to be reached for Christ, and a body of believers can only be effective if they think and act as one.

Another thought I had while reading (my mind tends to wander off in the mornings.. haha) was about a T-shirt I had once. It was from a youth conference in 7th grade. It had a big green hand on it that showed the number "1," and the message of the conference was about an audience of one. The shirt was kind of hideous and silly, but the message was simple and effective. We don't live our lives for other people to watch us. Our actions are not to glorify others, but to glorify God. Sometimes, when I'm about to sing a special at church, and I get really nervous, I try to remember that I'm singing for an audience of One. Nerves and fear creep in and say, "Who are you kidding; there are 250 people out there waiting to hear something.. and it better be good. They're expecting a lot!" But I know even if I forget the words or sing the wrote notes, if I get up there and truly worship, God will glorified. ..and the congregation will clap regardless and my mom will pat my leg and say I did a good job.
I am not here to live my life for anyone else. I'm here to live my life for "one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all, who is above all and through all and in all."

Thanks to everyone for your prayers. I don't wanna get greedy, but I have another test today.. :)
Also, I wanna give a shout out to my Structural Materials teacher. He was awarded the Charles and Nadine Baum Faculty Teaching Award
. He is a wonderful teacher, a man of God, and a blessing to all his students. Congrats Dr. Hale!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010


I had a hard time getting outta bed today. I was so darn comfortable, and I knew that as soon as I got up, my day would be non stop till bedtime. But I finally sucked it up, rolled outta bed, and the first thing that came to mind was, "Soo.. rise and shine and give God the glory, glory." I almost laughed a little bit. Then I made my way to the bathroom and thought of "To God be the glory, to God be the glory, to God be the glory, for the things he hath done." And of course that had to be followed up with "To God be the glory great things he hath done, so loved He the world that He gave us His Son.."

That's how my mind works.. alllllways a song bouncing around in there. Sometimes it's distracting, but this morning, it's exactly what I needed! So I sat down at my desk, put on my snuggie, and went to read my daily dose of Spurgeon. I just couldn't get into it.. So I moved onto my daily reading about women in the Bible. Still, just wasn't feeling it.. So I prayed. And all I could think about were those songs I had stuck in my head.

I've been studying Ephesians with a friend lately and I remembered a verse I had memorized from Chapter 1. "To the praise of the glory of His grace, wherein He hath made us accepted in the beloved." That phrase, "to the praise of the GLORY of His grace," is repeated again a few verses later. All the amazing things God blesses us with and gives us when we don't deserve it are all for the praise of the glory of His grace. "So rise and shine and give God the glory, glory!"

That's why I'm here. To glorify God. It's fairly obvious that I fall short, but God is forgiving, and wants me to continue on and give Him glory.

I thought I'd look up some scriptures that had the word glory in them to keep with me today. So I turned my concordance, flipped over to G, found "glory" and.. there are soooooo many verses! I wish I had time to sit and read them all. I chose 3 from Ephesians.

Eph. 1:6 "To the praise of the GLORY of His grace, wherein he hath made us accepted in the beloved."

1:12 "That we should be to the praise of His GLORY, who first trusted in Christ.".

3:21 "Unto Him be GLORY in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end. Amen"

Whew! I'm fired up and ready to go now! "To God be the glory."

A few prayer requests :) I have a test at 11:30 today. I'm so thankful for all of my friends and family who keep up with my schooling and pray for me often. Thank you!
Also, I was supposed to be a volunteer leader for a Jr. High girls purity retreat this weekend, but it was postponed so more girls could have to the chance to register. Please be in prayer for everyone that will be there. We will get to talk about some difficult stuff and build friendships based on the Lord. Thank you already for your prayers. Have a beautiful Wednesday!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

"Prayer For a Friend"

Well for starters, yesterday was a wonderful day! A couple of classes in the morning, some time to myself in the afternoon, and then I had the lovely privilege of babysitting the coolest 3 yr old on the planet! Then I ended my day with some time at the casa with my familia. I am so blessed.
My main squeeze, Dan-Dan, has had an awful headache.. so if you could all say a little prayer for big head, we would be so grateful :)

Another lovely day! I haven't left the building yet, but everything is going smoothly thus far. My quiet time this morning was spent in Ephesians chapter 3.

Paul is basically one of my favorite authors ever. I am in love with his humility, his willingness to suffer for the cause of Chirst, and most of all, his prayers for his friends.
Ephesians 3:16-19:
"I pray that He may grant you, according to the riches of His glory, to be strengthened with power through His Spirit in the inner man, and that the Messiah may dwell in your hearts through faith. I pray that you, being rooted and firmly established in love, may be able to comprehend with all the saint what is the length and width, height and depth of God's love, and to know the Messiah's love that surpasses knowledge, so you may be filled with all the fullness of God."

Wow.. how deep the Father's love for us. And how great Paul's love for the people. I spend a lot of time praying for my friends who do not know Christ. I pour out my heart that they might be saved. But my friends and family that do know Christ need just as much prayer, if not more! They are facing trials and persecution that lost people know nothing about. So today, I challenge you to take this prayer of Paul's, and pray it for a friend.

I have prayed this prayer 17 times today. Mom, Dad, Allison and Eli, Jacob, Dan, Lacey, Jamie, Natalie, Kristy, Kelsey, Kevin, Kendell, Jennifer L, Sarah M, Becky P, Kayla, and for my church family. I am thankful for each and everyone of you, and I pray that God strengthens you with power through His Holy Spirit.

Monday, March 8, 2010

"..all to Him I owe"

Jesus paid it all, all to Him I owe; Sin had left a crimson stain, He washed it white as snow.

For my birthday last year, Dan's family gave me this amazing book. It's called "Then Sings My Soul." It's a book filled with hymns, new and old, and the story that is behind them all. I'm in love with music! I always have a song stuck in my head, and I'm most likely humming, singing, or whistling. So needless to say, this book is perfect! Some mornings, like today, instead of reading from a tradition devotional book, I pick a song here, and really meditate on the words. Today I chose "Jesus Paid It All." I sit at my desk, pick up my guitar, and worship.

To think, Jesus paid the price for my sins by dying on the cross. My youth pastor told us once that if one of us were the only person on the planet, that Christ would still have died on the cross. That he loved me enough to give His life. What an unbelievable thought. But then, that also means that my sin alone is enough to crucify Him.. woah. Humbling. Embarrassing really, if you think about it. My wrong-doings, lies, bad attitude, bad language, deceit, and other sins are so great, that Christ had to die for them..

Sometimes, all I can think to do is sit at His throne and say thank you. 'Thank you Lord, for saving my soul. Thank you Lord, for making me whole. Thank you Lord, for giving to me, thy great salvation so rich and free.' There is no way I could ever physically say thank you enough, but that's not what He wants anyway. It's not about lip service. He wants my life. In return for his amazing act of love, I should live for Him. "Present your body as a living sacrifice, for this is your spiritual act of worship." With everything I have, everything I do, every word I say, I should be worshiping Him! Well with the help of the Holy Spirit, that's what I will strive to do. I have fallen short many times, but then I'm reminded, "For nothing good have I, whereby Thy grace to claim; I'll wash my garments white, In the blood of Calvary's lamb." I can never give enough that will repay Him, but still, "all to Him I owe."

"Jesus Paid It All" ~ Elvina Hall & John Grape, Romans 12:1, "Thank You Lord" ~ Bessie Sykes

A New Home

Helloo!! My blog has a new home :) I think I can post links to it on Facebook. (I'm sure all 2 of my readers will want to keep up! haha)